Thursday, December 20, 2018

Five Priceless Tips to Prevent Ankle Injuries During Winter

When the snow comes in the winter, there are many winter activities we can enjoy. However, these activities can be very challenging and can put a considerable strain on your feet and ankles. Even just going about your daily activities can present many hazards.
Generally, common sense will help people to get through the winter without any severe injury. However, these tips to prevent ankle injuries during winter should provide some clear guidelines no matter how active you plan to be. Read more here...

Avoiding Time on the Sidelines: 5 Tips for Preventing Injury

Injuries of any description are things which all professional sports players want to avoid like the plague. However, they are part and parcel of the sporting world, and it is possible that you may suffer some form of injury during your playing career. No matter what sport you play, you will always be at risk because of the demands you place on your body.
All kinds of injuries will involve a period on the sidelines, regardless of whether it is a muscle strain or more serious injury like an ACL tear. Prevention is always the best form of cure for sporting injuries, and these 5 tips for preventing injury should be rigorously followed at all times. Read more here...

Friday, November 23, 2018

Reaching Optimal Performance: Use of Vitamin D for Athletes

Numerous studies have found a strong relation between Vitamin D and optimal muscle function. These same studies have, also, found that many athletes are deficient in Vitamin D.
Vitamin D is vitally important for humans of all ages. However, for athletes, Vitamin D can help them perform at a much higher level while also reducing the risk of injuries. But before you head to the beach for your Vitamin D fix, read on to learn about the use of Vitamin D for athletes. Read more here...

Keeping Fit and Healthy: Exercises for Bone Health

No matter how old you are, it is highly recommended that you stay as active as possible. The more active you are, the stronger your bones and muscles will be, which will help to protect you in the event of any slips or falls. Once we get past 35, our bone density naturally decreases, so it is vital we remain active.
As we get older, we are at increased risk of bone injuries and conditions such as osteoporosis, so having a regular exercise routine can help to minimize the risk factors. There are many different exercises for bone health which can be easily integrated into your daily life, even if you ‘don’t have time!’ Read more here...

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Quick Facts About Bone Cancer

Bone Cancer is a relatively rare form of cancer which accounts for about 0.2% of all cancers in the United States. There are many different kinds of bone cancer, but they are usually divided into cancer which starts in the bones (primary) or cancer which spreads into the bones from another part of the body (secondary).
The American Cancer Society recently estimated that there will be 3,450 new cases of bone cancer diagnosed in the USA this year. In this article, we will briefly highlight the different forms of bone cancer. Read more here...

Foot and Ankle Care Advice for Sports Players

For any active sports player, it is crucial that they look after their feet and ankles at all times. In sports such as running, football, basketball, and tennis, we put huge demands on our feet and ankles through quick, high-intensity movements. Unsurprisingly, over time this can create problems, which can lead to a variety of painful conditions.
In some cases, the injuries occur due to accidents or hard impacts, and these can be hard to avoid. However, by maintaining a strict regime of self-care, sports players can reduce the chances of injury. In today’s article, we will offer some essential foot and ankle care advice for sports players, so that they can keep on achieving optimal performing. Read more here...

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Kinesio Tape – It works, But How?

There probably isn’t a runner or weekend warrior on the planet that hasn’t suffered from some kind of injury. Be it from pushing too hard, focusing on too many athletic goals, or not wearing suitable footwear. Sometimes, it can be a difficult decision whether to take time away from the activity in order to recover or keep training and deal with the pain. Luckily, not all pain has to sideline you. Solutions are available, and it this case, the solution takes the form of Kinesio tape. But what is Kinesio tape and how does it really work?

Prevention Better Than Cure

Of course, it would be preferable if athletes didn’t get injured at all. There are measures that can be taken to aid with this. These include simple things like not over-exerting on any particular run or exercise. Increasing the mileage of your runs slowly and varying the difficulty on a day to day basis also helps. Another thing to keep an eye on is your equipment. In a runner's case, it’s the shoe. Read more here...

6 Ways to Prevent Running Injuries

There is no doubt that running is a great way to stay in shape, help fight off stress, and (if you feel like it) flex your competitive muscles. However, injuring yourself while doing this activity can be a concern. Injuries while running are fairly commonplace with over 52% of marathon runners and 32% of long-distance runners suffering an injury every year. The most common of these injuries are caused by a repetitive stress on the joints and tendons, with novices being twice as likely to be injured. These statistics are probably not that surprising, considering a runner pounds the pavement for so long and so often. But, there are precautions you can take. Here are six ways to prevent running injuries.

Don’t Push Too Hard, Too Fast
Our bodies only grow stronger by being placed under stress in small increments. If you push too hard, your body will break down. To avoid this, only increase the mileage you are running by 10% or less per week. Read more here...

Thursday, August 23, 2018

Four Simple Steps for Reducing Lower Back Pain

Back pain is something all of us will face at some point in our lives. The level of pain can come on suddenly, or it can get so bad that it affects your ability to carry out daily activities. When lower back pain strikes, it is important to remain active and to seek medical attention if you don’t notice any improvement after a couple of weeks or if your mobility is significantly affected.

In many cases, lower back pain usually gets better with conservative treatments, but for those who have chronic pain, treatment can be a long and frustrating process. Whatever level of pain you have, there are several steps for reducing lower back pain and getting on with your daily life pain-free. Read more here...

A Quick and Painless Guide: What Is Tendonitis and How Is It Treated?

You may have heard of the medical terms tennis elbow, jumper’s knee, or swimmer’s shoulder. You may also assume that they only happen to athletes. However, these are all just different names for a single condition called tendonitis.

While tendonitis is most common in athletes, it can actually affect anyone at any stage of life. In this post, we will answer two questions. What is tendonitis, and how is it treated? Read more here...

Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Tennis Elbow Vs. Golfer’s Elbow: Not Just a Different Name for the Same Thing

If you play sports, paint, or enjoy gardening, then this time of the year is perfect for getting outside and enjoying the activities you love. However, all these fun and relaxing activities require using repetitive movements which can put a strain on the muscles and tendons of the forearm. When they become inflamed, then you are likely to develop something called epicondylitis.
Epicondylitis is a condition which can affect the elbow and forearm, and despite their names, you don’t have to be an active tennis or golf player to suffer from these conditions.  This guide will highlight the main differences between tennis elbow and golfer’s elbow. Read more here...

How to Get Rid of Muscle Stiffness Quickly and Safely

Anyone who has ever trained hard will have had muscle stiffness somewhere in the body at some point. The stiffness usually occurs because you have pushed yourself too much or have just started a new exercise regime with which your body is unfamiliar. It is a way for your body to tell you it is time to take a rest.
For serious sports players, muscle stiffness can be a source of frustration. Therefore, knowing how to get rid of muscle stiffness will help to alleviate this frustration without risking further damage. Read more here...

Friday, June 22, 2018

Getting Back on the Field Tips to Deal with Common Sports Injuries

If you are an active sports player, then you put your body through a lot of stress and strain. Therefore, it comes as no surprise that you may suffer from a sports-related injury at some point in your life.
When we have to spend some time away from the sports we love, it is easy to get frustrated and try and rush back without giving your body sufficient time to heal. So, with that in mind, we have put together some tips to deal with common sports injuries. Read more here...

A Quick Guide to Three of the Most Common Causes of Knee Pain

As we go about our daily lives, we rely on our knees to help us move around and stay active. When our knees are hurting, it can be difficult to do activities such as walking and running, and sitting or standing can be agonizing.
Many people believe that knee pain only occurs in older people or people who play a lot of sports, but the truth is anyone of any age can be affected at some point in their lives. The pain usually occurs because of overuse, but it can occur due to aging or being overweight. In this post, we will take a look at some of the common causes of knee pain and what you can do about them. Read more here...

Monday, June 4, 2018

Orthopedic Surgery Guide: What Is Minimally Invasive Surgery?

Musculoskeletal problems can have a significant impact on our lives, and if the problems are chronic, surgery is a likely treatment option. The problem with this is that in the past, the surgery was highly invasive resulting in long recovery times. Read more here...

A Quick Guide to Common Hand Pain Causes and What To Do about Them

It is hard to underestimate how important our hands are to our everyday lives, with our hands helping us work, cook, clean, eat, drive, and get dressed.  So, when you have hand pain, it can make it challenging to do even the simplest activities. Read more here...

Monday, April 30, 2018

Times When Orthopedic Surgery Is the Best Treatment Option

Orthopedic surgery is a specialty that focuses on fixing issues in the musculoskeletal system. With over 300 bones and joints in the human body, orthopedic doctors are never short on patients suffering from pain or instability, or sports players who have sustained an injury. Small changes in this framework can have far-reaching effects on the rest of the body and make even the simplest activities a chore.
Conservative treatment methods such as physical therapy and rest will be tried first, but in the following cases, surgery will most likely be the best available treatment. Read more here...

All You Need To Know about ACL Reconstruction Surgery

The Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) is an integral part of the knee joint, ensuring stability and the smooth back and forth movement of the knee. It can be found in the inside part of the knee connecting the thigh bone to the shin bone.
As the ACL is responsible for back and forth motions, it not surprising that sports players rely heavily on its optimum function during their games. However, sudden and sustained movements can cause a lot of strain on the joint, and many sports players have had the misfortune of hearing the “pop” that signals that the ligament has torn. In the case of complete tears, ACL reconstruction will be recommended to ensure that the knee joint can maintain a full range of movement. Read more here...

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

A Quick Guide on How Orthopedic Care Can Get You Back Up and Running

Orthopedic care is a type of treatment which focuses on problems with the musculoskeletal system. The musculoskeletal system is extremely complex, compromised of many bones, muscles, tendons, and cartilage which work together to keep us moving.

Due to our busy lives, the musculoskeletal system is obviously put under a lot of stress, which when everything is aligned correctly, will not result in anything more severe than some aches and pains. However, when there are imbalances or some trauma, you may start suffering from more constant pain, which in some cases can have a significant impact on your quality of life.Read more...

A Quick and Painless Guide to Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome

Patellofemoral pain syndrome, or runner’s knee as it is commonly known, is a condition which can cause a great deal of pain and affect the range of movement of the knee joint. As the name suggests, this condition usually afflicts people who spend a lot of time doing high impact sports such as running or basketball.

Unlike other conditions which may affect the range of motion of the knee joint, surgery is rarely needed, and a period of rest will usually clear up any of the symptoms. However, it is always worth getting it checked out by a physician to make sure your symptoms are not a sign of a more serious condition.Read more ...

Friday, February 23, 2018

The Essential Guide to Shoulder Injuries

The shoulder is one of the most complex joints in the entire human body, allowing your arms to move in a variety of directions. Strong shoulders are important for many sports where the players need to swingor throw and as such, shoulder injuries can result in time spent on the sidelines.Read more...

A Quick and Painless Guide to Orthopedic Massage

Chronic pain in the body can make us feel miserable and unable to do the things we love. Athletes may be unable topractice their sport. Back pain might keep us from tending the garden, and sore shoulders may affect our golf swings. Pain in the musculoskeletal system can also make it impossible to do our jobs both at home and in the office.Read more...

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Time To Consider Surgery For Low Back Pain

Back pain is something which everyone will have at some point in their lives, and in many cases, it will be a passing issue. However, for some people, back pain can have a significant impact on their daily lives. Following some simple guidelines can significantly reduce the symptoms or risks of suffering from lower back pain.  For example, regularly exercising, being aware of your posture, and keeping active during the day can all help. However, in some cases, the problem might cause chronic pain and affect mobility, as well as the ability to carry out everyday jobs. Initially, the doctor will use conservative treatments to relieve the symptoms, but if these don't work then they may consider surgery for lower back pain. Read more here...

What Happens Next? A Guide About Recovering From Ankle Surgery

The ankle is a complex part of the body made up of three large bones and various ligaments, tendons, and muscles. All these parts work together to enable movement of the feet, which means an injury to any part of the joint can lead to severe mobility issues. Your primary care doctor will usually assess your condition and recommend conservative measures to ease the pain. However, in some cases, surgery may be required.  If your doctor has recommended surgery, it is important to know all about the steps involved in recovering from ankle surgery. Read more here...