Wednesday, January 23, 2019

5 Post-Operative Surgery Tips

If you’re having surgery, you will probably be interested in tips to help you heal faster. Recovering from surgery is a straightforward process that involves following the instructions provided by your doctor or surgeon upon discharge, which proves challenging for some individuals. Healing quickly requires effort in caring for yourself, your body, and your incision after surgery. We have provided some helpful post-operative surgery tips to help you heal quickly and return to your regular activities quicker than your surgeon predicted.
Follow Your Doctor’s Instructions
As obvious as this may seem, many patients only follow the instructions and suggestions from their doctors that they feel are meaningful and ignore the ones that they don’t like or feel aren’t important. One of the best things any patient can do after having any kind of surgery is to follow all the doctor’s instructions very carefully, even the minor ones.  Simple instructions that may seem silly, such as don’t take baths or don’t drive, are typically there for good reasons and should be followed, no matter what. Read more here...

9 Steps Toward Better Spine Care

From doctors and nurses to construction workers and stay-at-home parents, everyone requires a healthy spine for an overall healthy well-being. This is true because the spine supports the central nervous system, which controls every cell in the body, which in turn controls your overall health. Taking certain actions to keep your spine in good condition is important for every gender and age group, especially because up to 80-90% of people will experience spine or back pain in their life. Here are 9 tips on better spine care that everyone should know. Read more here...