Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Tennis Elbow Vs. Golfer’s Elbow: Not Just a Different Name for the Same Thing

If you play sports, paint, or enjoy gardening, then this time of the year is perfect for getting outside and enjoying the activities you love. However, all these fun and relaxing activities require using repetitive movements which can put a strain on the muscles and tendons of the forearm. When they become inflamed, then you are likely to develop something called epicondylitis.
Epicondylitis is a condition which can affect the elbow and forearm, and despite their names, you don’t have to be an active tennis or golf player to suffer from these conditions.  This guide will highlight the main differences between tennis elbow and golfer’s elbow. Read more here...

How to Get Rid of Muscle Stiffness Quickly and Safely

Anyone who has ever trained hard will have had muscle stiffness somewhere in the body at some point. The stiffness usually occurs because you have pushed yourself too much or have just started a new exercise regime with which your body is unfamiliar. It is a way for your body to tell you it is time to take a rest.
For serious sports players, muscle stiffness can be a source of frustration. Therefore, knowing how to get rid of muscle stiffness will help to alleviate this frustration without risking further damage. Read more here...