Thursday, February 18, 2016

Types of Surgery That Orthopedists Do on the Knees

If you are having knee pain, popping or loss of motion, your orthopedic surgeon in Colorado Springs has several different surgical options to treat you. Your doctor will go over the treatment options with you and explain the benefits and drawbacks of each type. These are some of the types of surgery that the orthopedic surgeon may perform on your knees.

Monday, February 1, 2016

ACL Tear Treatment and Recovery through Sports Medicine Practitioners

Every high-intensity sport or recreational activity carries its own host of injuries. A torn anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) is prominent in any list of injuries you can sustain from activities that require heavy foot movement. Treatment for ACL tear may be a tough road for athletes, but nothing that sports medicine practitioners, such as those at the Colorado Center for Orthopaedic Excellence, can’t handle. ACL Tear Explained The ACL is one of four ligaments that help stabilize the knee. It runs diagonally down the middle of the knee and prevents the knee from sliding out in front of the femur. An ACL tear happens when some movements stretch the knee to the limit, such as when the leg swivels while the thigh stays put, resulting in a popping sound and swelling around the knee. The tear causes the person to lose his full range of motion, and the leg feels tender.

Seeking the Help of an Orthopedic Surgeon for Ruptured Achilles Tendon

Some outdoor activities require foot movements of every sort, like jump recovery or a stance when preparing for a run. During these movements, one of the leading muscles, known as the Achilles tendon, could get stressed enough to rupture. When this happens, an orthopedic surgeon could work out an ideal treatment plan. What is the Achilles tendon? The Achilles tendon is located at the lower back of your calves, linking the heel bone to the calf muscles. The tendon is meant to bring energy from the legs to the feet and to absorb any downforce when landing after a jump. When the tendon gives way under excessive force, a rupture occurs and there’s a loud sound from the sudden snap or a sharp pain. The area between the foot and the calf muscles swells from the injury, resulting in the person having difficulty moving.