Thursday, May 28, 2015

Considerations About Your Orthopedic Surgeon

The decision to have a knee surgery is a major step toward reclaiming a comfortable lifestyle. It is also vital that you feel comfortable with your choice of orthopedic surgeon who will perform the procedure on you. Here are important considerations. Your surgeon:
  • Must be familiar with and adept in the surgery you’re getting. The surgeon must have performed the procedure many times in the past to have expertise and experience in the field. It is necessary to trust your health with someone who has handled similar cases.

Beating the Pain: Tips on Treating an Ankle Sprain

An ankle sprain is one of the most common sports injuries. While some athletes are able to keep playing, there are others who instantly hobble in pain. Here are a few tips for treating a sprained ankle.

Control the Swelling
The amount of swelling can vary according to the severity of the sprain. In the hours following the injury, it is important to apply ice to your ankle. To prevent discomfort or tissue damage, only keep the ice pack on the skin for no more than 20 minutes at a time. When resting, always keep your ankle elevated (above the level of your heart) to limit swelling.