Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Dealing With a Herniated Disc

Your spine is composed of a set of vertebrae separated by discs, which serve as shock absorbers for your back. Once these cushions weaken or tear and compress the spinal nerve due to an injury or a degenerative disease, you could suffer pain in your spinal nerve, a condition known as disc herniation. There are two types of disc herniation, namely lumbar disc herniation and cervical disc herniation, with the former being the most common source of back pain among people.

Symptoms of a Herniated Disc

Pain in your arms or leg is just one among many telltale signs of a herniated disc, especially when it occurs in your lower back. You might also experience a numb or tingling sensation or feel weak at times since your nerves are affected by the herniated disc.

Other unknown symptoms of a herniated disc include drowsiness and dilated pupils, things that only a doctor or an orthopedic surgeon can notice. You might even require immediate medical attention once the herniated disc causes bladder and bowel problems.

Doctors initially recommend non-surgical treatments to tackle a herniated disc, with surgery being the last resort. Aside from these methods, patients will also be advised to undergo physical therapy, which can strengthen the muscles around the spine.

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